Be True to Who You Are w/ @_Weck.Weck_

By: Sara Collins

If you struggle to find items that show who you truly are Etsy and other small business platforms are the place to look. They cater to your needs and show you that your story matters as much as theirs. Al from @_Weck.Weck__ on Instagram, has a story to tell as well. Through art and designing different emotions have been put into the art that Al has made and you may share a similar experience.

Al’s brother Andrew passed away in November of 2021, when the business also started. Al says, “It [Andrew’s death] has had a significant impact on my art. I try to show deep sadness through my work but with a not-so-serious twist. Irony & sadness but glimpses of happiness as well”. Though this was an extremely tough time for Al, it also created a more unique community between consumer and seller. Al hopes that by being open about their experience in grieving it will allow people to feel less lonely and have a safe space while going through hard times.

If you are struggling to figure out what to buy from the Etsy store, Al says, “My sad clown pieces are a customer favorite for sure. I have a few variations of them but the original design I made still stands as the most popular. I’ve always loved clowns and all the different ways they can be designed so it means a lot to me that people pick the clowns I dreamed up to wear on their earlobes”.

-What made you begin to create items and start a shop?

I’ve been making art since I can remember. I was always getting my friends to let me dress them up and pose them for pictures, drawing, or working with different kinds of clay growing up. Right after I graduated High School I moved out on my own and started working a full-time office job. Working in that type of setting made me put a lot of my creative endeavors on the back burner and since I wasn’t going to art school or college in general, I really lost my creative spark. Fast forward to June 2020 I find out I’m pregnant! It really made me rethink my life and my priorities and what type of mark I want to leave on this world. During my pregnancy in quarantine, I started to find my creative spark again and learned all about making polymer clay jewelry. Once I felt confident enough in my art, I decided to get a little more serious and start my Instagram page to share my creations with the world and offer them on my Etsy shop. It has been so rewarding.

-Is the best way for people to purchase through Etsy or are there any other ways of purchasing?

Etsy is the best way to purchase as of now but I plan to launch my own website sometime mid-2023. I sell at different markets in the Philadelphia area as well! I always post on my Instagram when and where I will be. The next Etsy update will be on January 18th at 6PM EST.

Make sure to scroll through the Etsy and Instagram page to find ways to be yourself all year round!


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