5 Habits Needed in 2023

By: Sara Collins

Every January the gyms begin to have more members than usual, and most people are on a health kick. While those types of habits tend to fail within a few months, I wanted to offer some habits that can slowly evolve and make you a better you daily. With mental health being a hot topic and the need for self-care in ones life, I compiled a few tasks you can incorporate in your day to day life to form a better you!

Drinking Water

Courtesy of Nicolas Ruiz

We all have that one friend who swears by water and believes that it is the answer to everything. While you may find that strange and think they are joking, water has a lot of benefits to the human body. Water can help many things such as: stregthening your joints, building muscle, and helping your skin. Whether you are able to drink the recommeded amount of water each day or if you only drink water and do not reach where health guidelines say you should be you’re taking time for self-care.

Being Active

Courtesy of Nigel Msipa

If gym life is not for you, do not fear! There are free apps such as 7 Minute Workout that can be used for warm-ups, and the fitness routine best for you. Movement is great for you, whether it be watching a YouTube video of a yoga pose and copying it or going for a run with friends. After exercising in some form, you will feel amazing and ready to start your day!

Cleaning Up

Courtesy of No Revisions

If you need motivation to clean there are many videos on YouTube and TikTok featuring products and ways to clean up your space. Whether you decide to clean up every Sunday of the year or take it step by step and clean a few things each day, you will not only be decluttering your home but clearing your mind. Remember clean room means clean mind, and doesn’t want to be able to relax?

Don’t Procrastinate

Courtesy of Thomas Bormans

Making a to-do list or spreadsheet can help whether you are in school, at work or elsewhere in life to organize your day-to-day life. The feeling you get once tasks are checked off also helps to make you feel like you accomplished something. Whether you put down simple things like “eat” or something more extreme such as “write 5 page paper”, it is useful to make a list of things to not remember.


Courtesy of Kelly Sikkema

Budgetting can be a struggle but losing money you need for bills is even more troubling. Using different videos online that teach you about how to budget and beginning to save money for any emergencies that come up is very useful. Just think about how much money you could have at the end of the year, only by saving $5 a day!

While incorporating these habits don’t forget to enjoy 2023!


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