Getting Fashion Schooled by @posheditor’s Tiffany H.

From jumping rope outside of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, to sitting in the front row for Fashion Week in New York to Paris. Ms. Harrison is the it-girl with the IG feed to match. Her feed is a maximalist's dream. Read our convo as we talk about inspiration, fashion (of course), and the know-how of becoming, well, THAT GIRL! Read on lovelies! 

Thee Ethereal: What got you into design? And what are the elements that you look for in “good” design?

Tiffany H: As a child I was always drawn to artistic elements and design-oriented products – even as it pertained to everyday items. I remember, especially, being influenced by graphic design and packaging design as a kid – just being visually conscious and aware of how some products were more beautifully packaged than others. I would sometimes ask my mom to buy me a pair of shoes not because I liked the shoes, but because I liked the logo and/or the box that it was packaged in and that was the only way I could get the box, lol!

Good design in my opinion is minimal, intentional, and conceptual – but not too literal. I love design that has a subtle as well as tasteful nod to its muse – rather than just being inspired by something in a copy + paste way. I really think that’s the appeal in good design. 

Thee Ethereal: So, one, what’s your creative process? And, two, how do you balance the desire to, for the lack of a better word, “scribble on the walls” with the need to refine your inner wild child?

Tiffany H: My creative process can initiate a multitude of ways – sometimes I’ll be inspired by something I see out in the world (for example, architectural shapes on a building) and I conceptualize the idea from there, while other times I can simply be inspired by a word when reading a book or article and that can also trigger my creative process -- it all really depends on where the spark comes from. 

I think the urge to ‘scribble on the walls’ is good actually – it’s imperative to exert all of that accumulated creative energy somewhere; it’s a great way to brainstorm. I do this sometimes as well. One shouldn’t be discouraged by what they see on those ‘walls’ either. You should definitely be open and vulnerable with yourself during the creative process.

Thee Ethereal: But what is your relationship to Philly? If there is any, how has it impacted how you navigate fashion? If there isn’t, why are you jumping double-dutch outside of the PMA? Lol! (not saying that you can’t, just curious.) And if you would like to answer all three, be my guest! Lol

Tiffany H.: Yes, I actually am from Philly, but more from the suburbs of the city (if that counts). And you’re totally right about people playing it safe there. I honestly don’t think being from Philly has had that much of an impact or influence on my style though. As long as I can remember, I’ve always cultivated my own style with not many outside influences. I’ve just always had a natural affinity for art, design, and fashion.

Growing up, I was called the Matching Queen, Skittles, and Miss Perfect, haha – nicknames some of my classmates coined to acknowledge how detail-oriented and colorful I was. I didn’t know the term ‘monochromatic’ back then, but that described my style in grade school. I always wore ensembles that were completely color coordinated from head-to-toe.

Also, I think that my move to NYC to attend college was fundamental in elevating and cultivating my fashion and design choices even more. Although I’m still super colorful, my style is a lot more mature, refined, and tasteful now – and I’m definitely a lot more particular about minuscule details.

Thee Ethereal:  What advice would you give someone who is pursuing what they enjoy doing, and want to do it full-time?

Tiffany H: Continue to persevere and direct your focus and invest your time in that particular endeavor if you take it seriously enough. The time and effort you invest will definitely pay off  -- but you have to give it your all though. Don’t half-ass it or there’s literally no point. It’s important to create ways to not only monetize what you’re doing, but to exponentially monetize it as well, because time is money, right? So don’t waste too much of it. Maximize productivity in the time that you do spend.

And I know it sounds a bit cliché, but work smarter, not harder – for example, you could create streams of passive income and just have a part time job instead of one full-time job. Multiple streams of income is imperative to have these days, no matter what though. The universe is abundant in opportunities and it’s important to also take the initiative to create them yourself.

Thee Ethereal: Is there anything that you are working on or pursuing that you would like to disclose? Could be a personal goal or career-wise. Something inspirational? Anything! Lol

Tiffany H: I will be launching another creative workshop which I’ll be announcing later this year. It will be a follow up from the first one I hosted, which is called curvi•linear. That workshop explored the parallels that interconnect modern art, fashion, design, how to nurture business + creative ideas from concept to execution, and studied techniques to craft your curatorial eye to create better content. For those who are interested in the first one, the recording is also available to purchase here. Stay tuned!


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