Thee Ethereal

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Color Into Fall: How To Stay Bright During the Fall Season

When the seasons change, so do our wardrobe color palettes. We transform from bright, sun-kissed, and light-hearted to earthy, brown, and chic. And we’re definitely here for it. However, what happens to those who don’t want to change? How will they fair when all the stores back-stock their favorite colors and push out the earth tones and black. Well, dear. We have some great news for ya! We’re those gals! And we’ve come up with our own solution to this seasonal palette problem…


One good thing about this seasons trends is that a lot of designs still incorporate color! And a lot of it! The only element of Fall that changes is the silhouette of what you choose! So go for a bright, fun full-skirt instead of a mini. Maxi/midi length and pleated also work just as well!


Give these earthlings a shock with eye catching, attention grabbing accessories. To revitalize the earthy fall trends. Go for campy novelty bags, cutesy hair clips and bows, and who cares if there’s less sun in the Fall, grab a pair of bold sunnies!


Haha.. get it? That has nothing to do with this trend we just have a thing for a good pun. Anywho, this trend is for the puffer lovers, and colorful trench-ians. This one is for you! They’re everywhere! Especially at Top Shop…..


Last but definitely not least we have that most important items to have ever been created for our fashion needs…. shoes! Yes shoes! Keep it real cute with embellised sneakers, fun patterned booties, and if need be heels and a cute pair of socks!